
What is is a resource access protocol and platform.

Resources are defined as ERC721 contracts with a pointer to the current queue position incremented by the owner.

Protocol features

  • Configurable queues how many tickets can be minted, maximum queue length, metadata and more
  • Programmable prices that follow bonding curves or fixed prices
  • Ticket marketplace that yield royalties to owners whenever they are traded
  • Proof of visit customers can prove their visit

Platform features



This is where queue owners create and manage their queue. Here they see minted tickets and push the queue forward.

Create Queue
View Queue


A QR code links the user into the app. After signing in (Metamask, Google, Twitter, Facebook, E-mail, etc.) they can mint their ticket.

The ticket holder can show the ticket to the owner who verifies it in EAS.

Scan QR
Enter Queue
Show Ticket


Each queue also has a marketplace displaying the tickets put up for auction.

Auction Queue
Auction Queue
Place Bid


Using the word resource is intentionally abstract because it can represent anything from:

  • Waitlists for events and product launches
  • Event tickets for concert, cinema, online events...
  • Limited Editions
  • Drop-in businesses (Fitness centers, beauty salons, laundry, health clinics, body workers, mind workers, etc.)
  • Reservations for restaurant tables
  • Buzzer system for restaurants and cafés

How does it work?

Service owner creates a queue

  • ERC721 (NFT) smart contract is created with configuration.

Customers enter the queue

  • A unique NFT (ERC721) token is minted that represents the queue ticket.
  • Being an NFT it can be traded on marketplaces.

Queue is pushed forward

  • Owners and conductors can push the queue forward to handle the next ticket in line
  • Ticket owner is notified via the emitted Next event.

Ticket is signed by customer

  • An EAS attestation is created proving the person is in fact holding the ticket

Ticket is verified by owner

  • QR code is scanned and linked to view the EAS attestation